Easy Wallet's e-money account enables platform merchants to receive or transfer limited amounts of money, without the need for identification.
Use case
Process transactions for your merchants and credit electronic money accounts opened in their name:
Create an anonymous e-money account instantly and without any document collection:
Control your financial risk in the event of customer disputes or fraud:
Learn all about the CentralPay e-money account
Electronic money is defined above all as prepayment followed by storage of “traditional” money on another medium. In the true sense of the word, therefore, money is not created, but a dematerialized instrument of traditional money is issued to facilitate transactions in a digital economy.
Electronic money is not, in itself, a new type of currency, creating a third category after fiat and scriptural money. It's a new cashless payment instrument used to carry out a payment transaction.
Electronic money can be used in two main contexts:
Example: purchase a gift card, load a digital wallet that can be used in a marketplace or a network of retailers, etc.
Example: sale of a product or service on a C2C platform, payment of a refund or credit note, etc.
La monnaie électronique est définie comme « une valeur monétaire qui est stockée sous une forme électronique, y compris magnétique, représentant une créance sur l'émetteur, qui est émise contre la remise de fonds aux fins d'opérations de paiement définies à l'article L. 133-3 [du CMF] et qui est acceptée par une personne physique ou morale autre que l'émetteur de monnaie électronique » (Article L. 315-1, I CMF).
Since the "Electronic Money Directive 1" of March 2000, electronic money has been a payment instrument resulting from the practice of dematerialized exchanges.
Initially little used, its use and scope were reinforced by the Electronic Money Directive 2 of September 16, 2009, then transposed into French law in January 2013.
As e-money is governed by the French Monetary and Financial Code, it can only be issued under the supervision of credit or e-money institutions approved by the ACPR ("Autorité de contrôle prudentiel et de résolution de la Banque de France").
Tell us about your project and we'll send you a feasibility analysis and a suitable price proposal. Our technicians will guide you through our API documentation to get your integration up and running quickly and smoothly.
CentralPay is an Electronic Money Institution authorized by the Banque de France through the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (CIB 17138).