European companies optimize their processes for collecting and processing customer payments to improve their day-to-day management and maximise their operating costs.
For your teams
Benefit from an account with a French IBAN connected via API, so you can control all your customer collections.
Manage and automate your single and recurring transactions using high-performance payment methods.
Accept payments by CB, Visa, Mastercard and American Express or via Apple Pay and Google Pay. Take advantage of the various CentralPay payment methods: simple transaction, subscription, installments, secure card imprint, pre-authorization.
CentralPay generates and presents a different virtual IBAN to each of your customers. This means that when CentralPay receives a bank transfer, it identifies the sender and automatically reconciles the invoice for you, even if the reference number is incorrect.
Collect contact details and create mandates in just a few seconds using our online form. Then CentralPay debits your customers according to your subscription models, in installments or individually as your invoices progress.
Send instant transfer requests to your customers, directly into their banking application. You fill in the amount, your IBAN, and your references for them, so they only have to validate the bank transfer.
On-line or remotely, respond effectively to your customer collection challenges.
Simply collect from your customers using payment links by email, SMS or QR Code for your letters or mobile payments. Edit your templates, then send them via the API or the CentralPay BackOffice.
Benefit from a hosted page optimised for all devices, customise it to your colours and integrate it into your online sales tunnel or send it via a payment link to improve your conversion rate.
Unify and secure all your customer data to make it easier to manage: payment history (all sales channels and payment methods combined), payment instruments, scheduled or pending payments.
In addition
You decide on and create a range of communication scenarios, enabling you to :
Notify your customers when an event concerning them takes place
Set up intelligent payment reminders
Schedule new attempts if payment fails
Inform your teams in real time about the activity on your CentralPay account and synchronise this information with your internal tools
You improve the bank transfer payment experience for your customers
You automate your transfer collection and processing processes
You reduce your administrative, operational and human resources costs
Use cases
Find out how CentralPay supports professionals on a daily basis.
Improve transfer collection and processing by automating customer communication (reminders, notifications, etc.), bank reconciliation and internal alerts (ERP, email, etc.).
With customizable bank transfer payment paths and numerous automation services, you can improve your outstanding payment management and optimize your competitiveness.
By offering a smooth, secure payment experience, you’ll simplify the payment process and boost conversion rates on your B2B or B2C site.
Automate data exchanges by connecting CentralPay to your various tools or partners via API (ERP, information system, paperless invoice platform, etc.).
CentralPay manages exchanges by depositing files (CSV, bank formats, etc.) or sends Hook notifications in real time via API, depending on your requirements.
All about the CentralPay collection solution
All CentralPay payment methods can be integrated into your payment pages, and can be configured according to the payment journey you want to offer.
Whether using a credit card, bank transfer or direct debit, all your payments are stored and unified within a single payment account, to simplify your management.
The CentralPay payment solution offers several advantages:
No. A payment account differs from a bank account in several aspects:
The balance of the CentralPay payment account cannot be negative.
To make a repayment, you must have sufficient funds in your account. In some cases, it may be mandatory to keep a portion of your funds in reserve in your account, which guarantees the availability of funds in the event of a refund or dispute.
Tell us about your project and we'll send you a feasibility analysis and a suitable price proposal. Our technicians will guide you through our API documentation to get your integration up and running quickly and smoothly.
CentralPay is an Electronic Money Institution authorized by the Banque de France through the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (CIB 17138).