Send a bank transfer request with payment initiation

CentralPay payment initiation service consists of sending a bank transfer request to a customer, directly in their banking application. The integrated reference and instantaneous transfer notification enable automated reconciliation, with no risk of error.

écran de téléphone récapitulant les informations de virement avant la validation du client
procédure d'initiation de paiement : choix de la banque
écran de téléphone récapitulant les informations de virement avant la validation du client
Pay by Bank

Control customer bank transfers with payment initiation service

Payment initiation Service (or Pay by Bank) makes it possible to send instant transfer requests to customers, directly in their banking application.
You fill in the amount, your IBAN, and your references for them, so they only have to validate the bank transfer.

Use cases

Payment initiation service suited to your business

picto symbolisant le e-commerce


With its instant validation process and very low risk of fraud, payment initiation is a real alternative to card payment for e-commerce sites and marketplaces.

picto symbolisant l'encaissement de facture

Invoice collection

By controlling the data associated with customer transfers (reference, IBAN, amount), payment initiation limits human mistakes and enables fully automated accounting reconciliation.

Smart Collection

A hosted payment page to optimize your online checkout and automate your payment collection process, without any technical effort.
To optimize the customer's payment experience.

Customer Journey

An easy-to-integrate payment initiation solution

Use the Smart Collection solution to integrate payment initiation service into your sales tunnel or email invoices, without any technical effort.

Frequently asked questions

All about CentralPay payment initiation solution

Payment initiation service (or Pay by Bank) offers several advantages:

  • Low risk: As the payer is strongly authenticated by his banking application, once the bank transfer order has been approved, it cannot be contested or revoked.
  • Instantaneous: the transfer notice is received immediately, and the funds are transferred in just a few hours.
  • No credit limit: Unlike credit card payments, payment initiation service is not subject to any amount limit.

Yes. The CentralPay payment account updates the status of your Pay by Bank payments in real time. They can be consulted from your management tool via API or in your BackOffice.

Pay by Bank is based on Open Banking, a principle enabling financial institutions like CentralPay to interact with traditional bank accounts via API :

  1. You send a payment request to your customer (amount, reference, IBAN)
  2. Your customer clicks on the CentralPay link and selects his bank
  3. He is redirected to his banking application to authenticate himself
  4. He can see the details of the transfer and accept or reject it.
  5. You will be informed immediately of his reply and will receive the funds by bank transfer.

Yes. Introduced by PSD2 (Payment Services Directive n°2), payment initiation works on the same environment as the other SEPA payment methods, and only allow to request a SEPA bank transfer, in euros, in the European countries of the zone.