Whatever the payment journey or method, CentralPay facilitates the acceptance of bankcards to optimise your conversion rate, operational management and customer experience.
Transaction security
Customer experience
Operating costs
Abandoned baskets
For your customers
Accept all credit card transactions:
Card networks
Cartes Bancaires, Visa, Mastercard and American Express
Major currencies
Euro (EUR), Pound (GBP), US Dollar (USD) and Swiss Franc (CHF)
Payment facilities
Apple Pay and Google Pay, 1-click, multicards...
Manage and automate your recurring credit card transactions.
Set up your payment plans, authenticate cardholders and then let payments allow payments to be made automatically.
Divide an amount into several installments and automate payments according to the defined plan, to reduce the financial pressure on your customers.
Check the validity and type of your customers' bankcard before recording their imprint for a deferred debit.
Make sure of your customers' solvency, and block funds for up to 30 days before debiting them partially or completely.
For your teams
Online, remotely or nearby, respond effectively to your collection challenges.
Take advantage of a page that’s optimised for all devices, customise it to your colours and integrate it into your sales tunnel or send it by email / sms link. It couldn’t be easier to improve your conversion rate.
Simply collect from your customers using payment links by email, SMS or QR Code for your letters or mobile payments. Edit your templates, then send them via the API or the CentralPay BackOffice.
Unify and secure all your customer data to make it easier to manage: payment history (all sales channels and payment methods combined), payment instruments, scheduled or pending payments.
For your teams
Programme notifications and processing actions using scenarios and intelligent rules, to automate the management of your card payments (customer relations, reminder actions, internal communication, etc.). You optimise your human and financial resources, while improving the customer experience.
Benefit from cutting-edge technologies designed to secure your customers' sensitive data and detect suspicious activity on your account. With strong authentication (3DS 2.0) and bankcard tokenisation services, you can protect your card payment transactions while limiting the risk of fraud.
For you
Develop your own payment page, integrate it into your online sales path and use the CentralPay API and its credit card payment solution to collect cash from your customers. You’ll be in control of your page and your customer experience.
You improve your
credit card payment
You boost your conversion rate
and the revenue you generate
You reduce your administrative costs,
operational and human costs
CentralPay supports and responds to the cash collection needs of professionals.
Improve the management of one-off or recurring credit card payments by automating operational processing, customer communication (reminders, notifications, etc.) and internal alerts (ERP, email, etc.).
With customisable card payment paths and a host of automation services, you can improve the management of your outstanding payments and optimise your competitiveness.
By offering a smooth, secure card payment experience, you can improve customer satisfaction and achieve a higher conversion rate on your B2B or B2C site.
Subject to regulatory, security and technical constraints, B2C, B2B and C2C marketplaces benefit from a payment platform developed to meet their needs (KYC / KYB, outpayment processing, payment methods, etc.).
Participative finance service providers (PSFPs) or investment service providers (ISPs) automate the identification of beneficiaries, the processing, the segregation and the monitoring of incoming and outgoing flows on their platform.
All about CentralPay credit card payment solution
CentralPay enables you to accept remote payments by major credit card schemes (Cartes Bancaires, Visa, Mastercard, American Express...) and major currencies.
Card fees, known as Interchange+, include all commissions deducted from the merchant's credit card payment transactions:
Yes. This payment method is particularly suitable for recurring payments:
There are several advantages to credit card payment:
Find out more about the 3DSecure 2.0 protocol >
There are 3 types of operation:
The 3DS protocol secures and validates the cardholder's identity, limiting the risk of card disputes. Nevertheless, other incidents may prompt a customer to contest a transaction: failure to provide service, lack of consent, non-compliant service, etc.
When a dispute occurs, CentralPay is notified of the disputed payment and will inform you as well. You then have 20 calendar days to send proof of delivery/consent/quality of service. A judgment is then issued to determine the dispute outcome:
Tell us about your project and we'll send you a feasibility analysis and a suitable price proposal. Our technicians will guide you through our API documentation to get your integration up and running quickly and smoothly.
CentralPay is an Electronic Money Institution authorized by the Banque de France through the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (CIB 17138).