The credit cards tokenisation makes it possible to avoid direct card storage, which means having to manage the protection of this sensitive data and bear the cost of a PCI-DSS infrastructure.
With tokenisation, bankcards are replaced by a tamper-proof token. Each token corresponds to a unique, secure string pointing to the data to be protected, be it a credit card number, an IBAN or any other data to be secured.
Sensitive data is stored in the PCI-DSS CentralPay infrastructure and is available at any time via a dedicated API.
This means you only own tokens, which are unusable in case of an intrusion or compromise of your information system.
CentralPay is PCI-DSS Level 1 compliant, the highest level of the standard.
We secure the processing of sensitive data for you by means of credit card tokenisation. These are stored in CentralPay's electronic safe, guaranteeing compliance with a number of PCI-DSS standards.
By removing this data from your environment, you lower your data protection constraints, divide the number of audits you need to carry out, and reduce your cost of compliance.
Eliminate the need
to protect sensitive data
Secure and store
your customers’ sensitive data
Facilitate and reduce
the cost of PCI-DSS compliance
Use case
All about CentralPay tokenisation service
When paying online by credit card, card data is anonymized and converted into a unique string of characters, known as a "token". These tokens are securely stored in the CentralPay infrastructure, making them tamper-proof. Real card information is removed to reduce the risk of fraud.
Tokenisation offers several advantages:
Tokenisation is a technological process that meets the compliance needs of entities operating credit card transactions and in contact with potentially sensitive data: e-commerce, marketplaces, digital platforms, physical stores...
The CentralPay infrastructure is PCI-DSS Level 1 certified, the highest possible certification for bank data security and fraud prevention. Every year, the tokenisation service takes part in obtaining the PCI-DSS standard, which certifies compliance with credit card data protection standards.
Tell us about your project and we'll send you a feasibility analysis and a suitable price proposal. Our technicians will guide you through our API documentation to get your integration up and running quickly and smoothly.
CentralPay is an Electronic Money Institution authorized by the Banque de France through the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (CIB 17138).