Our services integrate all 3DSecure 2.0 processes for full PSD2 compliance, while enhancing your payment experience.
Strong authentication
This operation takes place in the background and does not disrupt the payment process.
All about 3DSecure 2.0 with CentralPay
Considered as an evolution of the 3DSecure protocol, version 2.0 offers new advantages:
The new version of the 3DSecure protocol requires issuing banks to perform strong authentication for every payment.
In practice, these are based on the analysis of some factors, in order to calculate the transaction's risk score. If payment conditions are considered normal and risk-free, cardholders can benefit from frictionless authentication, without redirection to their bank's application.
3DSecure 2.0 meets the authentication requirements defined by the Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) published by the European Banking Authority (EBA) and approved in 2018.
In 2019, as part of the Payment Services Directive No. 2 (PSD2), the European Parliament has made Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) mandatory in order to limit the risk of fraud.
No. The protocol is designed to add an extra layer of security to online payments, protecting both e-merchants and consumers by reducing the risk of credit card fraud.
Tell us about your project and we'll send you a feasibility analysis and a suitable price proposal. Our technicians will guide you through our API documentation to get your integration up and running quickly and smoothly.
CentralPay is an Electronic Money Institution authorized by the Banque de France through the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (CIB 17138).