at the best price
Pricing tailored to your project
I want to optimise the collection of my customer payments.
Platform package
Card transaction
SEPA transaction
SEPA Bank transfers and Direct debits
Interchange+ at cost price*
+ 0,05 % + 0,15 €
0,05 % + 0,15 €
* Interchange+ represents the fees charged by banks and card schemes. They vary according to the type and brand of card.
I want to optimise the collection of customer payments and then automate their transfer to third parties.
Platform package
Card transaction
SEPA transaction
SEPA Bank transfers and Direct debits
Transfer to merchants account
0,20 % + 0,15 €
2,95 €
7,95 €
0,15 €
0,05 % + 0,15 €
2,95 €
7,95 €
0,15 €
* Interchange+ represents the fees charged by banks and card schemes. They vary according to the type and brand of card.
Each CentralPay offer include:
Consult the CentralPay functional documentation for answers to all your questions.
Let’s get started
All fields are mandatory
CentralPay will process your data in accordance with its Privacy and Data Protection Policy.
Tell our sales teams about your project and your payment volumes. We'll send you a feasibility analysis and an appropriate pricing proposal. Our technicians will guide you through our API documentation to get your integration up and running quickly and smoothly.
CentralPay is an Electronic Money Institution authorized by the Banque de France through the French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (CIB 17138).